MANICALM by Jolyn Rita Bugarin
By (author): Jolyn Rita Bugarin
Subtitle: One artful journey through emotions extreme
Manicalm is a book that explores the duality of human emotions through expressive arts. It's a combination of "manic", representing intense, vibrant, and sometimes overwhelming emotions, and "calm", symbolizing serenity, tranquility, and inner peace. The book's purpose is to help readers connect with and find solace in the ebb and flow of their own emotional experiences. In addition to the captivating visual and written content, readers can access a treasure trove of activities and useful materials by scanning QR codes, enhancing their journey and providing practical tools for emotional well-being.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-027-5
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Editorial Assistant: Nicoleta Vasilache
Designer: Yana Geruk
Published on: 12/09/2023
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Photography, Journal, Emotions, Mental Fitness, Wellbeing, Expressive Therapy, Mental Health, Expressive Arts Therapy, Arts