Double Polaroids 1975 - 1995 by Ivo von Renner


By (author): Ivo von Renner

Title: Double Polaroids 1975 - 1995

Subtitle: The Polaroid art of Ivo von Renner


The first double polaroid was created on the beach of San Sebastian, Spain. Actually by mistake, because in the narrow space between so many people on the beach I had to take one picture on the left and one on the right for lack of distance. In the evening at the hotel I cut off the edge of one of them. The slight distortion and the cut through my friend's body created a kind of collage. It reminded me of the deformations of Picasso' female bodies. That was the birth of the double polaroid. For In the following twenty years, there were many international awards and articles. 

ISBN: 978-87-7620-258-3

Book language: English/German

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Natalia Manole

Designer: Alexander Sakovich

Published on: 06/18/2024 

Category: Art

Price (€): 89

Keywords:  Polaroid SX70, stagings, people, nudity, photography

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