Exposure by Natalie Papamichael
By (author): Natalie Papamichael
Title: Exposure
Subtitle: Artwork 1991 - 2023
(noun) [uncountable] the state of having the true facts about someone or something told, after they have been hidden because they are bad, immoral, or illegal.
Exposure is the catalogue raisonnée of contemporary Artist, Natalie Papamichael. Born in the UK to French and Greek parents, her work spans over 30 years and incorporates drawing, painting, performance and fashion. The story begins in the early 1990's in Paris. During this period Natalie was interned at Hôpital Sainte-Anne whilst suffering from an eating disorder and alcoholism. She began creating paintings that reflected her internal state. Returning to the UK, she enrolled in Art school. Her work developed to intertwine her personal narrative with her wider research into feminism, psychoanalysis and Art History - training in Florence in the style of the Old Masters. Her later work extends into an explicitly political landscape where she has exposed the corruption and lies that veil the very foundations of the contemporary world.
The exposure in this book is both personal and political.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-059-6
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Website: www.snap-collective.com
Editorial Assistant: Madia Duroni
Designer: Tea Jagodic
Published on: 12/27/2023
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Self-portrait, oil painting, art, history, political art, drawing, performance