By (author): LALU STUDIO
Title: SOL
Subtitle: Photobook by Luis Santana and Laura Ciriaco
SOL: A Photobook by Luis Santana and Laura Ciriaco captures the vibrant spirit of “love” through the lens of a dynamic duo. LALU STUDIO's creative partnership blossoms in every frame, showcasing the fusion of their diverse perspectives. Luis Santana, a second-generation photographer, meticulously cultivating timeless portraiture, while Laura Ciriaco, a multidisciplinary healer, invokes the feminine divine with a revolutionary approach to art. Together, they transcend conventional boundaries, experimenting with film photography, darkroom techniques, and alternative processes. SOL is not just a photobook; it's a visual symphony that pushes the boundaries of creativity and externalizes their soul in a tangible expression.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-147-0
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Editorial Assistant: Constantin Salagor
Designer: Elena Bidnenko
Published on: 3/29/2024
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Photography, SOL, LALU STUDIO