Secrets by Yolanda Dorda


By (author): Yolanda Dorda

Title: Secrets

SubtitleHave you ever tried to fit a circle into a triangle?


Have you ever tried to fit a circle into a triangle?
Maybe you do not remember...but to realize that it is not possible is likely to be one of your first learnings in your life.
This lack of “geometric” adaptation is the basis of my life, and therefore, also of my work. Nature provides a myriad of organic shapes, curve lines, and even perfect circles. And as a human being, I am the outcome of this organic and volatile creation. I am not a rigid line that fits into a non-predesigned place, as intended by society.

I was already aware of that in my childhood. I wanted to be strong and I did not accept that weak and submissive role. I was born to play, run, experiment, jump... and I had to try to break the mould through rebelliousness. But my free-form shape did not fit into a rigid triangle, and my wings were clipped. My first paintings are greatly influenced by that imposed childhood: always with girls on their backs, punished, and boys with sad and distant looks in their eyes…

ISBN: 978-87-7620-313-9

Book language: English/Spanish

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Nicoleta Vasilache

Designer: Tea Jagodic

Published on: 07/18/2024

Category: Art

Price (€): 89

Keywords: Yolanda Dorda, female, women, childhood, sensuality, erotic, intimate, biography

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