Woman By Bernadette Fejér


By (author): Bernadette Fejér

Title: Woman

Subtitle: Divine feminine. Our body is a sacred temple.


I am Bernadette Fejér, photographer. Growing up in a small village in Transylvania, I learned at a very early age, that interconnection between human and nature is essential and present at every moment. We inherently belong to nature as we are born to this world naked, in a free, natural and joyful moment. Everyday simplicity of being naked is the collective experience of all living.The intimate image of our naked body is an encounter with our most profound identity, our most natural state, a true sacral moment. The beauty of our uniqueness is unrepeatable, we are one in our nudity. MOTHER nature is the gate of the pure female soul that nurtures the innate women in us, the eternal connection to ourselves. I would like to represent the true force of this natural state with my photographs.

ISBN: 978-1-915600-64-6

Book language: English

Publishing house: Snap Collective Publishing

Publication date: 26/12/2022

Website: www.snap-collective.com

Number of pages: 188

Category: 1587 - Kunst/Fotografie

Keywords: woman, fejerbernadett, mothernature, woman portrait