
By (author): Max Falsetta Spina


Subtitle: The concept beyond photography


Capable as she is of interpreting three-dimensionality with great expressiveness, photography nevertheless remains somewhat of a prisoner of a two-dimensionality from which over time she has often tried to escape. To do so, he found in artistic research a possible solution that was not limited, as in the case of stereo shots, to striking effect. This is the line along which Max Falsetta Spina, a multifaceted young author, has moved: from a training that led him to express himself in the field of applied set design, he has arrived at the experimentation of profoundly innovative solutions, finding sources of inspiration in the works of those who, from Umberto Boccioni to David Hockney, have creatively confronted the dimension of space. If the initial works focused on the technique of collage applied to portraits and on that of the multiplication of planes to obtain decomposed images of futuristic architecture, in more recent times the author has radicalized his research. This has given rise to new works that we could denote as metaphotographic because they were born from the intention of a going beyond aimed at dialectically overcoming the traditional relationship between object and subject. The sharp lines that denote perspectives enter into the heart of the image etch the super cie of the photograca no paper to allow it to fold in on itself and open, like an unprecedented sculpture, to three-dimensionality. Max Falsetta Spina induces a search for the pristine space hidden behind the image, and the viewer is confronted with a mirrored super cie. It is this that reveals to him an ancient yet contemporary truth: every work exists in the awareness of the beholder. Roberto Mutti

ISBN: 978-87-7620-008-4

Book language: English

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Silvia Antoni

Designer: Marss Mickeviča

Published on: 10/28/2023

Category: Art

Price (€): 89

Keywords: Parametric Photography, Architecture, Contemporary Photography, NFT, Fine Art Photography

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