The Art of Korean Tiger and Painter by Chunbum Park


By (author): Chunbum Park

Title: The Art of Korean Tiger and Painter

Subtitle: The Korean Tiger and Painter


I came to America in 2000, and I became a loser without friends or ambitions. My high school classmates despised and ridiculed me because I was Asian and nerdy.

The year was 2010, in Rochester, NY. In the lonely and cold winter night, I decided to become an artist and never looked back. Art has saved me. Without art, I would not be here.

To be or not to be! That is the question. Art would lead me into a lifelong path of resistance and triumph. I would become a great artist.

I am a Siberian Tiger, as prophesied in my father's dreams. I am a Korean Painter, who wrestles with paint on canvas in the studio, against the greatest names in the canon of art.

I seek to paint myself as a tiger but also a woman. This is the dual side of me, which splits in half like pisces, two loaves of fish. I have been painting women, as well as myself in feminine ways, in the past 14~15 years.

My favorite artists include Frank Auerbach, Judith Linhares, Pablo Picasso, Lee Jung-seob, Willem de Kooning, Cecily Brown, and Amy Sherald.

The great challenge of art is to learn the lessons passed down the generation from the mentors who came before us. I pay tribute to my mentors and teachers, including Professor Clifford Wun and Professor Luvon Sheppard (at the Rochester Institute of Technology), Professor Farrell Brickhouse (at the School of Visual Arts), and Instructor Mary Beth McKenzie (at the Art Students League of NY).

I am greatly inspired and moved by the power of art to allow people like me to transcend my limitations in both physical and mental ways and to explore the unknown.

I end my introduction with a Latin aphorism: 

Magna est veritas et praevalebit.

Truth is great and will prevail!

ISBN: 978-87-7620-450-1

Book language: English

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Natalia Manole

Designer: Marss Mickeviča

Published on: in production

Category: Art

Price (€): 129

Keywords: chunbum, chunbumpark, park, korean, artist, painter, photographer, painting, photography, art, contemporary, figurative, abstract, abstracted, figuration, tiger, woman, beauty, gender, performativity, fluidity, emerging, neurodiverse

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