The Unreality Files by Txomin Rodriguez


By (author): Txomin Rodriguez

Title: The Unreality Files

Subtitle: (Un)real Street Photography 2021-2024


The life we live is not real. The truth is that this has been suspected for a long time. Plato pointed it out, and for centuries Theology, Ontological Phenomenology and Cognitive Psychology have been trying to warn us. Even the Wachowskis. Commendable attempts all of them, but with limited impact, it must be said.

Basically, this is understandable: human beings, and especially modern people, stubbornly cling to their own perception and sensory experience of life. Today even our upstairs neighbor is more empiricist and rationalist than Kant. As if what our eyes show us day by day, what we smell and touch, had any relevance. No comments.

This is why a groundbreaking Project was launched, a research capable of revealing the essence of (Un)reality. Using the ruthless objectivity of the photographic camera, its aim has been to identify, freeze and analyze the most controversial frames of that disconcerting film that is life, in order to show the resulting Archive to the general public in all its crude realism.

The first results are striking. They confirm that Reality has nothing to do with the life we experience every day. The most worrying thing is that Reality seems to be made up of an essence, how to call it - funny. And of a metaphorical substructure. It turns out that it is somehow poetic. It can even be beautiful. And all this, logically, makes us dizzy, causes discomfort, forces us to pose ourselves uncomfortable questions.

But for the first time, the results of the Project are out in the open for everyone to draw their own conclusions. This book reveals, at last, The Unreality Files.

ISBN: 978-87-7620-199-9

Book language: English

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Nicoleta Vasilache

Designer: Irina Furtuna

Published on: 5/7/2024

Category: Art

Price (€): 89

Keywords: Street Photography, Humor Photography, Fantasy Photograpy, Unreal Photography