Like a box of chocolates by Mark Wyss


By (author): Mark Wyss

Title: Like a box of chocolates

Subtitle: Street photography made in Switzerland


“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” If the famous words of Forrest Gump sound a little trite, as a description of street photography they couldn't me more apt. No matter how well-trodden and familiar the streets may become, they are a container for the surprises that life inevitably unfolds – as varied as a box of chocolates. Open the lid, take a pick, and surrender to the lucky dip of life. These pages sample the photographic treats of such “dippings“. Between 2018 and 2023, Mark Wyss tirelessly traversed his home country of Switzerland, capturing fleeting moments from the flow of life in its biggest cities. The emergent scenes are all unstaged and populated by distinctly everyday subjects. But look closely and any banality is offset by delicate micro dramas, whether in the play of perspectives, details, colours or light. „Like a box of chocolates“ showcases the photographer’s favourite images taken during these ventures.

ISBN: 978-87-94484-58-9

Book language: English

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Nicoleta Vasilache

Designer: Irina Furtuna

Published on: 8/21/2023

Category: Art

Keywords: Street photography, Mark Wyss, Switzerland