UMIDA By Rebecca Dorothy
By (author): Rebecca Dorothy
Title: UMIDA
Subtitle: (collection érotique)
From Rome to Berlin and then Paris, her charisma and open energy will shake your vibrant soul with such an incredible empathetic sensibility. In her research process, photographer Rebecca Dorothy explores the perception of the human body trough its relation with the social conception of sex and sensuality, with a work that fulfills perfectly the revendication of freedom in sex and gender. If sex and beauty stereotypes are the limits of our self perception that deeply impacts on our attitude towards life, through a series of auto portraits Rebecca’s body itself becomes the measure of an intimate towards the achievement of a mature and protective womanhood. That’s why her erotism is not just sensual. Sexy toys, leather collars, latex and neon multicolor lights outrage the conventional ideas of decency and sexual reticence, while maintaining a romantically kitsch approach through an emphasis on nudes and exaggeration of body shapes. Through the dream-like surrealism of her pop pics, she embraces us with a magnetic positive energy, which is also an open invitation to take life less seriously. Indeed, what it’s intriguing In the captivating images is not only her capacity to speak loudly about freedom, but also an innate talent for narrating the beauty of the normal body, through a gentle and ironic touch. The result is an explosive imagery, which outlines the chiasm between a playfully provocative sensuality and the authenticity of a tangibly delicate individuality. Rebecca finally moved her attention to erotism as the main driver of artistic investigation and highlighted the importance of being self confident in the contemporary individualistic world. Nowadays Rebecca Dorothy lives and works in Paris, and it will not be surprising if she will ask you to pose for her in her home-studio in Pigalle. UMIDA (from the Italian humid) is the result of these chaotic years moving around Europe. UMIDA is a collection of images gathered together personal works and projects from 2014 until 2022, including some unreleased shots. So sit back,relax and get ready to get HUMID...
Text by Antonia Spagnardi
ISBN: 978-1-915600-59-2
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective Publishing
Publication date: 14/12/2022
Number of pages: 180
Category: Artbook
Keywords: queer, photography, female photography, body, sensuality, erotic, femininity, fetish, fashion, neon, women, collectionerotique, humid