Compotherapy by Matías Fuentes
By (author): Matías Fuentes
Title: Compotherapy
Subtitle: The Joy of Composing
This book is like taking a poetic stroll through the world of photography composition. I've named it 'Compotherapy' because it's all about blending composition with therapy, exploring how visual harmony can be soothing and fulfilling. Each picture I share is a glimpse into my personal joy of composing, a mindful process that aims to stir emotions through careful visual storytelling. Come along on this journey and discover how photography can be a genuine and transformative form of expression.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-182-1
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Editorial Assistant: Constantin Salagor
Designer: Natalia Sweetkovskaya
Published on: 4/25/2024
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Art, Street Photography, Visual Storytelling