il fait aussi beau en arrière by Henri Hadida


By (author): Henri Hadida

Title: il fait aussi beau en arrière

Subtitle: Fifty Years of Street Photography


This book is a celebration of fifty years of street photography.

As an artist, how do you maintain a continuous style and remain fresh and relevant?

Henri Hadida has spent most of his life lifting camera to eye, reviewing and analyzing negatives, transparencies, pixels and prints.

His on-going education and experimentation with digital tools and technologies keep him motivated and current. He’s had several noteworthy
exhibits and finally, in this book, has assembled a selection of photographs to express his joy and purpose as a photographer.

This publication pays tribute to past and present masters of photography, specifically to Henri’s mentor Robert Del Tredici and their inspiration, Henri Cartier Bresson.

ISBN: 978-87-7620-127-2

Book language: French/English

Publishing house: Snap Collective


Editorial Assistant: Silvia Antoni

Designer: Tea Jagodic

Published on: 2/24/2024

Category: Art

Price (€): 89

Keywords: black and white, street photography