PROPHECIES by Kweku Yeboah
By (author): Kweku Yeboah
Subtitle: Defying shadows
West African societies are vibrant tapestries woven from traditions, norms, values, and cultures. Social values, morals, and religious beliefs are central to this richness, shaping individual behavior and creating the diverse cultural landscape we see today. These elements create guiding principles including ideals such as truthfulness, honoring commitments, and hard work. However, some of these traditions promote deeply ingrained and limiting beliefs such as rigid gender roles and sharply defined notions of femininity and masculinity.
These societal expectations push a hypermasculine identity onto men. The pressure to conform to this, coupled with social values and religious beliefs within culture, polices their gender expression and has created the current crisis we are in today. Men who exhibit unconventional traits may face pressure to fit the mold and as a result are stifled for seeking individuality and challenging these norms.
"Prophecies: Defying Shadows" pushes for complete freedom of gender expression in a world where authenticity is celebrated without limitations imposed by society and religious dogma. Therefore, the question this work is asking is not how we can ignore culture's role in shaping our identities. But instead, it is asking us how we can push cultural boundaries to preserve and celebrate freedom in self-expression instead of simply accepting the restrictive status quo.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-336-8
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Editorial Assistant: Anna Romanovici
Designer: Tea Jagodic
Published on: 09/02/2024
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Prophecies, Defying shadows, Kweku Yeboah