Empty Inside By Marcos Guinoza
By (author): Marcos Guinoza
Title: Empty Inside
Subtitle: surrealism, feelings & poetry
What would be the image of loneliness? What about melancholy and fear? What would be the image of emptiness? Marcos Guinoza's digital collages translate into images the feelings that afflict us all. Feelings that make us human! In "Empty Inside" the artist invites us to question what it means to be human in a fast-paced world. The book brings together more than a hundred digital collages created by the artist over the past seven years. Inspired by surrealism, the collages are minimalist, yet full of poetry, beauty and humor. Due to its simplicity, Marcos Guinoza's work offers a world full of meanings and provocations.
ISBN: 978-1-915600-55-4
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective Publishing
Publication date: 9/12/2022
Website: www.snap-collective.com
Category: Collage Photo
Keywords: minimalistic, digital collage, photography, colorful, loneliness, feelings