Blind Intuition By Summer Starr
By (author): Summer Starr
Title: Blind Intuition
Subtitle: Early Works
The portraits within these pages are a capsule of my early work as a photographer. It is a stepping stone and collection of artwork that helped me kickstart a dream I've had since I was a child– to be an artist. This cluster of work was made when I chose to take a risky leap into a world where I was of no importance and stature. The arts are a vicious and cut-throat place to be, yet I stand here– mixed race, female, Detroiter, believer– still choosing to see my worth and calling in it. This book is as much for me as it is for the audience who happens to pick it up and browse through it. These portraits only capture a fraction of the essence of the beauty each holds.
ISBN-13: 978-1-915600-31-8
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective Publishing
Publication date: 1/12/2022
Number of pages: 128
Category: Photobook
Keywords: Detroit photographer, Female photographer, fashion photography, creative photography