Character Building by William Josephs Radford
By (author): William Josephs Radford
Title: Character Building
Subtitle: Memorias de mi juventud
Explore the rustic charm of rural Andalucía, where my childhood unfolded amidst mud fights, bonfires, and bottle bombs. Each photograph in this collection captures the essence of those formative years, from the chaos of orange fights to poignant moments like catching and killing a fish. As I revisit these memories, my artistic journey becomes a personal memoir, offering an introspective gaze upon the physical remnants of my past.
ISBN: 978-87-7620-203-3
Book language: English
Publishing house: Snap Collective
Editorial Assistant: Constantin Salagor
Designer: Yana Geruk
Published on: 5/21/2024
Category: Art
Price (€): 89
Keywords: Environment, Childhood memories, Character building, home, Surroundings, Adolescence, Photographs, Personal history, Themes, Role, Experiences, Surreal, Dreamlike, Tones, On-camera flash, Colored gels, Technique, Vibrancy, Colorfulness